Uncle Tony's Burgers Spring, TX Rattlesnake Cheeseburger Angus Beef mixed with Special Spicy Pork Sausage, Diced Onions, Chopped Jalapenos on Jalapeno Cheddar Sourdough Bun with Lettuce, Onions, Pickles, Tomato, & Muenster Cheese $12.50 As if I didn't already have my fill of spicy burgers in the past few weeks, I decided to hit it out of the park with another delectably tasty spicy burger from Uncle Tony's. Uncle Tony's Burgers claim to fame is their specialty Rattlesnake Cheeseburgers (which if you didn't read in the description) is a burger patty mixed with spicy pork sausage (hot), diced onions, & chopped jalapenos (more hot) in which they slap in between a jalapeno cheddar bun (just in case you wanted more hot). This is such a great idea and great burger for those who are fans of spiciness and should be tried immediately. As far as a breakdown of said burger, we should start with it's main attraction, the meat. The meat is so fla...